Factual deflection behind relative time theory again going back 3-5 generation gaps. Go for it. My grandparents raised my parents the same way. Mother's side of the family were involved with freemasons, my father's side was mixed between thespians, freemasons, and about 4 different relgious congregations within the christianity theme.
the common theme, honor God and country come hell or high water tomorrow.
funny thing the divide between personal responsibility and social duty to faith life isn't self evident time adapting as eternally separated by the moment here.
Personally responsible persons are punished by rule of law for insubordination, treason, blasphemy for not obeying social consensus of previous 4 generation gaps extablished throughout history.
Why dictatorships per generation and democracies over multiple generations never last more than 6 generation in a row without a major reinterpretation of life forward from that event.